
Quality Construction - Outstanding Design - Unparalleled Client Service

Preventing Cold Weather Disasters

Preventing Winter Weather Disasters does not need to be costly. Avert cold weather problems in your home by following a few preventative measures. Last year we completed a whole house renovation project for a delightful couple. It was nearly a million-dollar renovation of a large home built in the 1990’s. Sadly, a large section literally

Extreme Winter Weather Home Care To-Do List

It has been a number of years since the Chicago area was hit with extreme winter weather conditions with subzero long-lasting cold. A few easy tips follow to care for your home in extreme winter weather conditions that will keep your house leak-free and warm during our impending cold spell. When it gets bitterly cold,

A timely blog post, given the weather

Last week 18” of snow. This week six inches of rain. Ugh! As the old sayings goes; if you don’t like the weather in Chicago wait a few minutes and it will change. In roughly seven days, we have had 24” of precipitation. To add insult to injury, all the snow melted in roughly 48