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A timely blog post, given the weather

Last week 18” of snow. This week six inches of rain. Ugh! As the old sayings goes; if you don’t like the weather in Chicago wait a few minutes and it will change. In roughly seven days, we have had 24” of precipitation. To add insult to injury, all the snow melted in roughly 48

Clairmont Offers Tips for Ice Dams in Winter

Now that the Chicago area’s record of nine continuous days of snow is done for most of this week, a new challenge looms in the form of ice dams.  Most roofs have 6” to 18” of snow on them and gutters are likely full of snow and/or ice.  Because the gutters are hanging in mid-air,

Clairmont Ltd. Provides Advises Homeowners With Heavy Snowfall Predicted

The heavy snowfall predicted for the new few days can cause problems with your furnace and water heater.  Most homes nowadays have furnaces and water heaters that vent through the side of the house.  They vent through white PVC pipes that go through the exterior wall and exhaust the furnace and water heater fumes.  They